See your tree!
For each order you plant one tree

We have partnered with Tree-nation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In practice, this means that for every order with us, one tree is planted. In fact, it is you who plants a tree in our Linnebjerg-Living forest and afterwards donate it to the local farmers.
Who owns the trees from the projects I support?
Tree-Nation’s platform to plant trees has the main goal to protect the environment and therefore, does not grant any right of ownership, disposition, or use of the trees. The owner of the planting site is the owner of the trees.
In every project, a local structure (usually an NGO) will work with local communities to help them plant trees on their land.
We focus on “productive” species that can provide fruits, gum, resin, oil, or wood as a source of revenue to those communities. This fact is key to make sure local owners will have a natural interest in protecting the trees during a very long period of time. When you plant a tree on Tree-Nation, it’s considered a donation but not an act of ownership on the trees or their production.
Who is Tree-nation?
Tree-Nation was founded in 2006 by Maxime Renaudin. From one single project in the driest and poorest country on earth, Niger, the project quickly evolved to help local teams of planters around the world.
Tree-Nation has been constantly innovating and is the creator of many tools that are now commonly used by other NGOs in our sector. In particular Tree-Nation invented the virtual tree, then the online forest and many other software tools in order to provide a unique technological solution aimed at breaking the distance between remote projects and their sponsors in developed countries.
Recognized internationally and becoming an official partner of the UNEP in 2007, Tree-Nation has evolved to help +4000 companies and +200,000 users to plant more than 7 million trees in more than 30 reforestation projects on 6 continents.
What happens with the CO2 when a tree dies?
When a tree dies, its captured CO2 will be progressively released as the tree decays. However, the fallen tree will also leave space for new trees to naturally spring, which will absorb similar or higher quantities of CO2, essentially making the forest a permanent and living carbon sink. The aim of reforestation (among many other positives ones) is to generate an extra carbon sink by improving the forest cover density of a degraded forest.
When a tree dies, its CO2 is slowly and progressively released into the atmosphere as the tree decays. Some CO2 can be stored for a longer time as #biochar, wood, or organic matter. If we oversimplify, taken as an independent element, we could consider the CO2 balance of a single tree as null. The CO2 absorbed during its lifetime is released. But no tree is an island. If we look at it from the forest perspective, for each tree that dies, a spot in the forest is freed (and a shadow removed) for a new tree to grow and absorb more CO2. To oversimplify again, we could consider a forest a constant carbon sink, that neither intakes nor releases CO2. The reality is a bit different as a forest can keep extending (a tropical forest can grow up to 60% per year) and much of the carbon is permanently sunk into the subsoil.
The idea of a reforestation or afforestation project will be to increase and maximize the carbon storage capacity of the forest. In short, in terms of carbon capture, it doesn’t matter if a tree dies naturally in a forest, providing the whole forest is well managed and not being deforested.
How will my donation be used and what portion of it will go to the projects?
The funds will mostly go directly to the local project you support, but Tree-nation also use a part of the fund to build and keep improving our global reforestation platform and advance education on climate change.
The platform is highly scalable and designed to be 100% self-service and automated. This way, over time, Tree-nation expect to increase the share of The funds that will go directly to the local projects.